#ifkeyboard AB83 layerblock FN1 1 # layer key layers FN2 1 endblock remapblock CAPS_LOCK FN1 # layer keys APP FN2 endblock remapblock layer 1 # layer 1 W UP A LEFT S DOWN D RIGHT E PAGE_UP C PAGE_DOWN Q HOME Z END TAB CAPS_LOCK BACK_QUOTE EXTRA_LALT # mapped to command-9 (firefox, switch to last tab) 1 F6 2 EXTRA_F2 # UP three times X EXTRA_INSERT # DOWN three times SPACE PAGE_UP F1 MEDIA_PLAY_PAUSE F2 MEDIA_STOP F3 MEDIA_PREV_TRACK F4 MEDIA_NEXT_TRACK F9 MEDIA_MEDIA_SELECT F10 MEDIA_MUTE F11 MEDIA_VOLUME_DOWN F12 MEDIA_VOLUME_UP SCROLL_LOCK SYSTEM_POWER UP EXTRA_F2 # UP three times DOWN EXTRA_INSERT # DOWN three times endblock ifselect 1 remapblock # shift-NUM_LOCK activates pc numpad nav layer here, for use in MacOS PAD_1 END # no need for this, possible amusement; dosbox handles NUM_LOCK state on Mac PAD_2 DOWN # on shift-NUM_LOCK instead of NUM_LOCK itself PAD_3 PAGE_DOWN PAD_4 LEFT PAD_5 DOWN PAD_6 RIGHT PAD_7 HOME PAD_8 UP PAD_9 PAGE_UP PAD_0 INSERT PAD_PERIOD DELETE endblock ifselect any macroblock macro NUM_LOCK shift # shift-NUM_LOCK, activates pc numpad nav layer, for use in MacOS # PUSH_META CLEAR_META shift # no need for this, possible amusement; dosbox handles NUM_LOCK state on Mac PRESS SELECT_1 # POP_META endmacro macro EXTRA_LALT # layer 1, BACK_QUOTE (grave-tilde) MAKE LGUI # sends command-9 (firefox, switch to last tab) PRESS 9 BREAK LGUI endmacro macro EXTRA_F2 # layer 1, 2 (above W,A,S,D) PRESS UP # UP three times PRESS UP PRESS UP endmacro macro EXTRA_INSERT # layer 1, X (below W,A,S,D) PRESS DOWN # DOWN three times PRESS DOWN PRESS DOWN endmacro macro INSERT ctrl # ctrl-INSERT, copy, pc key-combo option PUSH_META CLEAR_META ctrl # command-c MAKE LGUI PRESS C BREAK LGUI POP_META endmacro macro INSERT shift # shift-INSERT, paste, pc key-combo option PUSH_META CLEAR_META shift # command-v MAKE LGUI PRESS V BREAK LGUI POP_META endmacro macro DELETE shift -gui # shift-DELETE, cut, pc key-combo option PUSH_META CLEAR_META shift # command-x MAKE LGUI PRESS X BREAK LGUI POP_META endmacro macro DELETE shift gui # command-shift-DELETE PUSH_META CLEAR_META gui # sends shift-DELETE PRESS DELETE POP_META endmacro endblock #ifkeyboard any