ombudsperson contact call memory, (early January 2005?) (greetings) "Try again. Other students have done it." [a difficult arrangement] [looking to the petition denial] [stated as being in agreement with the transfer credit examiner] "That's it, he has the power." [so the TCE decision is a wall against considering the student's petition?] "I'm sure it seems that way to you." [missing nuance of considering the petition] "You can file a grievance with the dean for undergraduate education." [on resolving the dispute by refunding tuition to part ways, transferring out] "That money was for your professors!" (quick goodbyes) The student was disappointed with the quality of the contact, expecting interest in the case and resolving it, more so. Ethics, principle, logic, an interested student, an interested mind. (greetings) [cajole][dismiss][piss-pat snot shot][accept/acknowledge matter][clutch/growl/bark] (quick goodbyes) ombudsperson contact call memory, (early January 2005?) (greetings) [cajole] [dismiss] [piss-pat/snot] [accept/acknowledge matter] [growl/bark] (quick goodbyes) (greetings) [a difficult arrangement; looking to the petition denial; stated as being in agreement with the transfer credit examiner] [so the TCE decision is a wall against considering the student's petition?] [missing nuance of considering the petition] [on resolving the dispute by refunding tuition to part ways, transferring out] (quick goodbyes) (greetings) (greetings) [cajole] [a difficult arrangement; looking to the petition denial; stated as being in agreement with the transfer credit examiner] [dismiss] [so the TCE decision is a wall against considering the student's petition?] [piss-pat/snot] [missing nuance of considering the petition] [accept/acknowledge] [on resolving the dispute by refunding tuition to part ways, transferring out] [growl/bark] (quick goodbyes) (quick goodbyes) (greetings) (greetings) [cajole] [a difficult arrangement; looking to the petition denial; stated as being in agreement with the transfer credit examiner] [dismiss] [so the TCE decision is a wall against considering the student's petition?] [piss-pat/snot] [missing nuance of considering the petition] [accept/acknowledge] [growl/bark] [on resolving the dispute by refunding tuition to part ways, transferring out] (quick goodbyes) (quick goodbyes)